Spiritual & Guidance

What is an Angel Card Reading?

Ask The Angels Your Questions

Angel cards, like tarot cards, are a form of divination using angel symbolism. A reading typically comprises of choosing three cards from the deck but whilst doing so you must hold a question in your mind that you wish to ask the angels.

Most angel card decks contain a series of positive messages and optimistic phrases which your reader will be able to translate for you.  They will be able to connect with the angels to offer guidance towards making a decision.

The angels usually provide information on all areas of life, including relationships, finances, job, health, etc., but the main guidance that the Angels give is usually focused on important issues that you may be going through at that particular time.

Angel card readings will sometimes show you that there are other options available to you that you maybe hadn’t thought of. Ultimately the Angels will help give ideas and guidance on how to live your best life and the best path for you to follow.

If you would like an angel card reading, you can browse our psychics and their skills here.